Grant, Catherine, 2022. Killjoy’s Kastle In London, A Time Of One’s Own: Histories of Feminism in Contemporary Art, Duke University Press.
Levy, Ariel. 2019. Who’s Afraid of the Lesbian Haunted House?, New Yorker Magazine, 04 November
Miranda, Caroline, 2015. Inside West Hollywood’s feminist haunted house: Zombie folk singers and body positive vampires. The Los Angeles Times, 16 October.
Schechter, Fran. 2013 Klever Kastle: Sexy Show is Boo-tiful and Fun. Now Magazine, Oct 24
Valelly, Jonathan. 2013. Holy Hell House! Xtra, 12 October
Book: Inside Killjoy’s Castle
Dykey Ghosts, Feminist Monsters, and other Lesbian Hauntings. Edited by Allyson Mitchell and Cait McKinney.
© UBC Press and AGYU, 2019
Amerongen, Lisa. 2013 Kill Joy’s Kastle: A Lesbian Feminist Haunted House, She Does the City., 17 October.
Beck, Laura. 2013 Evangelical Hell Houses Got Noting on Lesbian Feminist Haunted House. Jezebel., 21 October
Chen, Cecilly, 2019. Killjoy’s Kastle at the Icebox Project Space. University of Pennsylvania. Oct 26.
Clements, Alexis. 2019. “We Are All Monsters: On ‘Inside Killjoy’s Kastle: Dykey Ghosts, Feminist Monsters and Other Lesbian Hauntings.” LA Review of Books, 09 November.
Cooley, Alison. 2013. The Haunting of Allyson Mitchell’s Killjoy’s Kastle. Canadian Art., 29 October
Fielder Sutton, Angie. 2015 Review: Killjoy’s Kastle: A Lesbian Feminist Haunted House, The Mary Sue., 29 October.
Johns, Alaina. 2019 Killjoy’s Kastle: Finding Myself at the Lesbian Feminist Haunted House. Broad Street Review, October 22
Havmoeller, Birthe. 2013 Killjoy’s Kastle: A Lesbian Feminist Haunted House. Feminine Moments., 22 July.
Hiott-Millis, Lily. 2013. There’s A Lesbian Haunted House in Toronto and It’s Straight Out of Your Dreams. Buzzfeed., 17 October
Jamal, Nazmia. 2014. Killjoy’s Kastle @ BFI, March 15
McLean, Andre. 2020. Inside Killjoy’s Kastle: A grandiose presentation of queer feminist theory. Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University, March 09
Noor, Tausif. 2019. Beyond These Kastle Walls. Art Forum, 04 November
Robinson, Quinn, 2019. Killjoy’s Kastle: More than Just a ‘Lesbian Feminist Haunted House, 34thStreet, Nov 04
Stromberg, Matt. 2015. A Queer Feminist Haunted House Filled With Riot Ghouls and Polyamorous Vampires, Hyperallergic. Oct 2
Inside the Lesbian Feminist Haunted House Everyone Is Talking About, National Public Radio (NPR), Take Two, Leo Duran, 89.3 KPCC, 21 October 2016
Allyson Mitchell and Deirdre Logue on the history and future of Killjoy’s Kastle, Wit Lopez, artblog, October 11, 2019
Online Video
Killjoy’s Kastle: A Lesbian Feminist Haunted House, Wifey TV, 2015 @youtube
Bulldagger Swagger, Phranc, 2015 @Youtube
While You are Away, Frances All the Time, 2019 @Youtube